A dog is the best companion anyone could ever ask for. They only ask for love in return. Well, they want food, and water, and exercise, as well. But they don’t judge what you wear, what you do or say, they are the ultimate in great companionship.
You will need to train your dog to obey you. This is for your protection and safety, as well as the dogs.
There are three choices when training your canine. One is to do it yourself, which is the option most dog owners choose. Using common sense, a crate and perhaps an invisible fence. Learn more here.
The next option would be to go with them to an obedience class. This is a good way to bond with your dog and make sure you are leading the training correctly.
The last option, one saved for the most severe cases, is to send the pup to a specialist who will train your canine and then show you what to do. This is also the most expensive option of the three.
Below are 11 dog training tips to help you have the best-behaved companion you could ever wish you had.
- When and Where to Get Mad
You may think that your dog will dictate when and where you are going to get mad, which is partly true. When your dog behaves badly, the first thing you must do is not get mad at the dog, but towards the action or at the spot.
First and foremost, you must only get mad at your pup if you catch them doing something bad. If you find a chewed-up shoe, you cannot go find the doggie and ask “did you do this?” A dog’s attention span is about two seconds. They will not remember what happened and therefore, not know why you are yelling at them.
It may not make sense, but it works. Instead, get angry at the shoe. Leave it where you found it and make a big deal about how “bad” that shoe is for being chewed up.
This will accomplish two things. One, the dog will think twice when he or she sees a shoe. They will think: “a shoe made my loved one angry. I better not touch the shoes.” The second thing is the spot where you got angry. They will avoid it so as not to make you angry.
This method works wonders for potty training. Get mad at the spot, not the dog, especially if you don’t catch the dog going to the bathroom in the house. Be angry as you clean the spot. Yelling and screaming at the spot will help your pup to avoid making a mess and then making you upset.
If you happen to catch them making a mess in the house, use a big voice to say “No!” and remove them to where you want them to potty.
- Using A Crate
All dogs should have a crate and know when to use it. A crate is like their own room. It is somewhere they can go to be alone and think or sleep undisturbed.
Never make the crate a place to go for punishment. Use a crate when you are out of the house or for bedtime only.
- Sit and Stay
Every dog should know how to sit and stay. This command is for your dog’s safety. Practice it when you are feeding your dog. It is also a good command when you are opening the door to leave or take them on a walk. You don’t want them running out into the street where they can get hurt.
- “Off!”
You want to train your puppy the word “Off!” Make it a strong, firm, but loud command. Use this when they jump up on you or a guest. If you don’t want them on the furniture, use “Off!” Don’t add any other words to this demand.
The less words you use to get your canine to obey you, the better. They are like children, they hear one or two words and stop listening.
- “Down”
“Down.” is a different command than “Off!” You will want to keep them separate when training your dog. The “Down” command should be used when you want your canine to lay on the floor.
- “Wait”
This is a handy command when you want to give your pup a treat. It can also be used when you are leaving a room. Have your dog sit and then stay, then say “Wait”.
- “Leave It!”
Give the “Leave it!” command when you want your dog to stop what they are doing. If your dog has discovered something in the yard, demand they “Leave it!” so you can make sure it is not dangerous. Inside, this could be anything from a shoe, papers, or food.
- “Come”
Only use this command when you are calm, never angry. Your canine will not want to come to you when you are angry for they fear you will hurt them.
The “Come” command is useful when you are outside, and your dog gets away from you. Or if they are in the yard and you are ready to go inside.
- “Fix It”
This is used when a dog gets tangled in its leash. Mostly when the have one leg over the leash and can no longer walk. This takes practice and patience.
- “Fetch”
You will want to train your pup to “fetch” a ball or other toys. This trick may come in handy if you happen to fall or are in need of something. Your dog can bring you what you need.
- “Go”
This command is good for when you want your dog to get in their kennel or go into another room. A dog will want to be with you at all times, and that is not always a good idea for you. This command will help.
A dog needs a leader, which is you. It’s a “pack” mentality. There always needs to be a leader of the pack. If there are no boundaries, no leader, a pup will not know what to do and revert to wild animal behavior.