Secrets of Waterproof Vinyl Flooring – Even Your Salesperson Won’t Tell You

vinyl plank flooring

When it comes to flooring your home, wood looks aren’t all you’ll see in 2018. Manufacturers are taking Vinyl flooring and thinking outside of the box like never before. The waterproof flooring trend is taking the world by storm, particularly with the influx of GoHaus Waterproof Vinyl flooring on the market. I have to be honest; waterproof Vinyl floor has been “kicking the ass off” laminate flooring.

However, that doesn’t make water the new side-kick of Vinyl flooring.

Water-resistant vinyl floor (GoHaus Waterproof Vinyl floor) is manufactured and treated to withstand water ingress to a certain degree.

What else should we know about Vinyl flooring?

Below is a list of Vinyl flooring characteristics that are pertinent before you decide to buy.

Waterproof Vinyl flooring is more resilient than tile

You might be wondering if it is true that waterproof Vinyl flooring is more resilient than tile.

Don’t wonder anymore.

Tile is hard. Standing on hard floor surfaces such as marble and tile floors for an extended period of time at home can affect your feet physically. Vinyl floors are more resilient and much more comfortable on the feet.

Wear Layer over plank thickness

If you’re trying to determine the best quality, you’ll want to look more at the wear layer than plank thickness.

The wear layer is responsible for stain resistance, making it easy to clean your floor, and protects the floor from wear and tear. This means that the thicker the wear layer, the more resistant your floor will be to scarring and scratching.

Is Wet Cleaning Your Vinyl Floor Acceptable?

Yes, it is.

Although it is imperative that moisture doesn’t penetrate underneath the vinyl floor covering.  Cleaning the top of your floor is not at all affected by damp rag you use. Ensure that your mop is not soaking wet. Slightly moist rag does the trick.

Made for Bathroom and Kitchen

Most people if not everybody prefer stone tiles in both their bathrooms and kitchen.

Rightly so!

This is because hardwood and laminate are not waterproof and easily get damaged when exposed to water (Although hardwood can withstand exposure to water, but not for long).

However, waterproof Vinyl floors are made to tackle this kind of problem. Thanks to its strong surface layer and waterproof core, vinyl is the ideal flooring your kitchens and bathrooms. Your luxury floor will be fine as long as you don’t use it as a swimming pool floor.

Can you tell the difference between Hardwood and Vinyl Floor?

If you hold both in your hands before installation, yes you can. After the floor have been installed, it becomes extremely difficult to differentiate both.

With the improvement in technology, manufacturers are using nature-realistic imaging with modern photographic and editing techniques which create wear layer texturization. This process makes sure that the Vinyl floor will feel and look like the natural hardwood that it’s imitating.


You should understand that most materials, organic or inorganic are soluble in water. It is all about the timing. Frequency is essential to determining how much water exposure is too much.

Contrary to what many people believe, Vinyl can be affected by water. Especially over concrete that is emitting moisture, as moisture and alkalinity can affect the plasticizers used in the manufacturing process of vinyl, creating changes in the material. It can also affect the joints and edges of your floor making them come off.

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