How To Involve Your Children In Decorating Your Home

Most adults wouldn’t ask their children on their opinion about how their home should be decorated. However, many kids do want to get involved in home design and decoration, especially if they’ll be working on their own room or play space. It’s important to give kids some form of control over their own little corner of your home as it helps to promote good values. According to experts, anything that a parent can do to give a child his or her own space fosters gratitude and independence, and letting your child decide on what the room should look like can help him or her love being at home more than anywhere else. To involve your children in decorating your home, consider the following tips.

Listen to your children’s suggestions

Your children may suggest such outlandish notions such as having a pool inside your home or a giant slide inside the house, but don’t just shoot down their suggestions with a firm “no.” Ask them what the pros and cons are of having such a feature in the house. Letting your kids work out the cause and effect of certain design elements helps them understand what works in real life. At the same time, they get to figure out or ask for help to modify an idea. For instance, if they ask for a koi pond in the living room, ask them what they think about installing an indoor water fountain instead. See if you can find a way to work around their suggestions to let them know that you value their opinions and that you’re taking their input seriously.

Give them certain areas to decorate

To unleash your kids’ creativity, have them decorate freely—with supervision. Make sure that some decorative elements in your home can be swapped out to make decorating during the holidays easier for you and the kids. You can also designate areas where they can have full creative control. One way to do this is to have a chalkboard wall in your kitchen or living room and give your kids free reign over them. Be sure to take photos of their masterpieces and share them with the grandparents!

Be open to having more color around the house

You may lean towards a neutral color palette for your home décor, but your kids will most likely prefer splashes of color here and there. A study has shown that children have emotional responses to colors. Moreover, the research revealed that kids had positive reactions to bright colors such as pink, blue, and red, and negative emotions for dark colors like brown, gray, and black. If you’re cringing at the thought of painting a room with a bubblegum pink shade, compromise by getting accessories in the vibrant hue. Throw pillows, small area rugs, picture frames, vases, and the like in bright and happy shades will delight a child and let him know that you’re keeping him in mind while decorating your home.

Involving your child in decorating your home can be beneficial for the entire family. Try these tips and see what ideas your child will come up with today.

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