Expanding Horizons Via Vinyl Flooring

Many homeowners want to expand their horizons within working, health and especially the home front. For many people over the first half of the 2020s, they all operate within the confines of one space.

Sharing the same space working from home and exercise along with everyday living can be hard to keep everything functioning within the same environment. Simple artistic flourishes throughout the home can help to provide more space for all areas to thrive.

Home Office

An old bedroom, loft space or shed space being transformed into a working office provides a separation needed to complete your tasks.

These rooms can get clogged up with lots of old junk, but you can fix it up to suit the needs perfectly with some paint, shelving, a desk, and durable flooring. Clearing out the room, you can provide a separate identity towards it by installing Luvanto luxury vinyl flooring, giving a natural softness and providing a separate feel from the rest of the house, able to differentiate it from everything else and set the right mood to work.

This provides you enough to separate your work and home without using up the travel time also.


Many homeowners now feel a sense of dedication to engaging in workouts or daily exercise, so much so that we want more room to dedicate.

Changing those spaces into a workout room or personal gym space will allow you to have a consistent routine for your fitness and be perfectly set up for your specific needs. Installing luxury vinyl flooring is perfect for this also as it is highly durable flooring that won’t suffer indents or fall victim to scratches or scuffs from your workouts, providing you felt pad on the bottom of all equipment legs on the floor.

Changing these rooms into the space to stretch, squat and burn off your fat is a great positive to mental and physical health.

Fresh Appeal

It’s hard to relax in rooms you have seen every single day, so it is always a good exercise to undertake a little DIY design in colour and fresh appeal. Getting rid of the worn-out carpets or getting rid of the real hardwood floor that is chipping and rough is always going to be costly to replace.

Luvanto luxury vinyl flooring, therefore, provides the ultimate replicated look and feel of what you want at a fraction of the price it would be for the real thing. People choose vinyl wood or stone style floors due to their innovative styles and natural look with relative ease in installation and maintenance.

However artistic you choose to expand your horizons in your home, luxury vinyl flooring has everything you need to help you achieve it.

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