3 Ways To Encourage Your Senior Loved One To Stay Active

There are millions of deaths every day, which are attributed to lack of physical activity.  Senior citizens, in particular, are at high risk since slips and falls are one of the most common injuries in their age bracket.  However, by engaging in regular physical activity, their bodies will be less susceptible to getting hurt.

However, it can be difficult to motivate them to do it in their old age with their decreased mobility. As people age, it becomes more challenging to get around- much less exercise.   Despite their protests, exercise is critical in order to maintain a strong body and stay independent. Part of caring for senior citizens involves encouraging them to make better choices, even though they may be against it.

Additionally, physical activity can help prevent injuries and even illness, leading to a greater overall state of health.  

Here are some of the best ways to encourage your loved one to keep up with an active lifestyle.

Be Patient With Their Limitations

It’s important not to force them into anything too quickly too soon. Even though you may feel that activity is vital for their health, try to be patient with them, even if they resist.

If they haven’t been active for a long time, it may be painful for them to move.   Slowly ease them into an exercise program, and always make sure that it is approved by their doctor first.

Go For Walks

Walking is a great low-impact and effective form of exercise.   Next time you see your loved one, ask them to go for a walk around the block, or even in the backyard.    Seniors over 75 may require a walker or cane, so make sure that you walk at a reasonable pace.

It’s helpful if you make your walk together more of a leisurely activity rather than an obligatory workout. Making them feel forced into walking will discourage them from wanting to do it regularly. Use it as an opportunity to catch up, and have a friendly chat while stretching your legs outside.

Encourage Them To Start An Activity

Since seniors no longer have a daily job to go to or much of a social life, they can start to feel depressed and even isolated.  Their isolation eventually leads to sitting around for long hours in their own home. This is why it may be a great idea to encourage them to start an activity outside of the house.

Getting involved in something away from their home is a fantastic way to get out in the world and be active.  

You could encourage them to join a low-impact sport, like bowling or even volunteer.  The idea is to get them out of the house and into the world doing something that they’re enthusiastic about.

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